Saturday, December 9, 2006

what are you eating?

Casein..Whey..s cousin, casein is made from curdled milk. Yuck!

Gelatin..Rhymes with "skeleton." Coincidence? I think not. Gelatin is a protein made by boiling cows.. and pigs.. skin, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Jell-O? Heck, no!

Honey..Sure, honey tastes sweet, but you..ll get a bad taste in your mouth when you learn how it..s "harvested."

From a former beekeeper: "[T]ypically, beekeepers are gloved and netted to avoid stings (nearly every bee who stings will die due to her entrails being pulled from her body attached to her stinger.) Then the hives are opened as quickly as possible and the bees are ..smoked... Smoke from a smoldering fire carried in a ..smoker.. is pumped into the hive and the bees are ..calmed... In spite of this, the combs are pulled quickly and many bees are crushed in the process. When a bee is hurt, she releases a chemical message that alerts and activates the hive members who proceed to attack the their lives in the process."

Lard..Lard is such a gross word, it almost makes you wonder why they just don..t call it what it is: "Fat from hog abdomens."

Pepsin..If the thought of eating lard turns your stomach, stay away from pepsin, a clotting agent from pigs.. stomachs, used in some cheeses and vitamins.

Rennet..Certain words just make you cringe, like coagulate, congeal, clot..which is what rennet, an enzyme taken from baby calves.. stomachs, is used for in cheese production.

Stearic Acid..It may sound less gross than "lard," but stearic acid, which often rears its ugly head in chocolate and vitamins, comes from a fatty substance taken from slaughtered pigs.. stomachs..or from cows, sheep, or dogs and cats euthanized in animal shelters. Still want to chew on that piece of Fido?

Cetyl Palmitate..Check your head if using margarine that contains cetyl palmitate, the fancy term for the waxy oil derived from sperm whales.. heads or from dolphins. "I can..t believe it..s not " oh, wait. It is" Whale head wax"?

Urea..Urea comes from urine and other "bodily fluids." It..s used to "brown" baked goods, like pretzels. Um, yeah. And the oven is for ??


chocolate animal crackers

I'm in an extremely shitty mood!

My brother woke me up last night at midnight
to ask me for fucking animal crackers...

I keep seeing those damn commercials on Nickelodeon™
[while I'm trying to watch Spongebob®]
About that fucking "Naked Brothers Band" =|

One of my "friends" apparently hates me.
I'm about to go back to my old habit,
and probably will have to go back to the hospital again.
There, I will go insane, and gouge my eyes out with a pencil,
After which it will be stabbed into an asshole's heart.

This plan is far too thought out.

I hate snow.
It's disgusting and wet and cold.
It makes the sun go away!!
Pissheaddddd... =[

Well. I need to post something else, very interesting.
So I'll stop whining =].


Tuesday, December 5, 2006


Mmm well.
My AIM was hacked,
isn't that just glorious?
I am mad about that...
But oh well. New SN - vomitmeRAINBOWS
To say anything that's been going on recently ummm...
I got fatter lol.
That stupid bastard is going away forever!!
I wish things hadn't ended so awful between us,
but hey - he's leaving, so fuck him =].
That sounds really mean, but what else can I say?
This weekend I went to an OWL's overnight;
It was... interesting.
The guys and girls were seperated
upon a parents request,
which I at first thought was really stupid,
but after I heard they'd farted in each other's faces all night,
I was thankful.
All in all it was fun.
I've been having some really odd dreams
about two certain people..
I don't know what's up with me.
Anyway. bye.
You're a whore =]